What am I doing...

I feel completely inadequate writing this blog. So many negative thoughts went through my mind when I started considering this site.

-I have no experience with writing. My grammar mistakes will embarrass me (this sentence alone had three misspelled words in it...now four).
-I'm not an experienced homeschooler.
-I'm too busy to take the time to focus on writing something worth reading.
-There are already so many homeschooling blogs, this will be a waste of time.
-What if no one reads it??

But something is pulling me, telling me that even though those points seem valid, I should just write anyway. I'm trying to be braver in life. As I get older the reality really sets in that we only have one life, and oh how fast the years fly. If you have a dream, pursue it! If something interests you, learn about it! It's easy to blow "failure" WAY out of proportion. 

So don't let fear stop you from trying something new...I'm not going to!

So why AM I doing this?

I love the online homeschool community. I have been scouring homeschooling blogs for years now. There are so many incredible women with so much knowledge on almost every aspect of homeschool. It's not that I feel I have anything new to add, but encouragement can come even in the smallest of packages. 

No amount of blogs could ever tell me the exact formula for homeschooling my children. No one out there is me. No one has my kids. No one has our lifestyle. Every homeschool is 100% unique. So even though I don't have much experience yet, I have something else to offer...my perspective. And no one else out there has that. 


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